For Loved Ones of Critically Ill Patients, Hope Often Trumps Understanding of Physician’s Prognosis, The Los Angeles Times, 5-17-16
A Primer: How the Fight Against Zika Might Be Funded, Kaiser Health News, 5-17-16
Treating Opioid Abuse: Laws Passed, But Will They Work?, MedPage Today, 5-17-16
When the Addict Is A Doctor, Modern Healthcare, 5-14-16
HHS Finalizes Transgender Anti-Discrimination Rule, Modern Healthcare, 5-13-16
Medical School Enrollment Up 25 Percent, Becker’s Hospital Review, 5-5-16
Don’t Do This If Faced With A Crying Patient, MedPage Today, 5-5-16
You Want a Description of Hell? OxyContin’s 12-hour Problem, The Los Angeles Times, 5-5-16
How Often Do You Go to the Doctor? It Depends On Where You Live, The Los Angeles Times, 5-5-16