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Prescription Drug Abuse, Forgery, and Diversion

RESOLVED, That the North Carolina Medical Society supports increased state funding for drug abuse treatment services including reimbursement for buprenorphine as alternative to methadone maintenance for opioid dependence; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the North Carolina Medical Society supports an amendment to the Controlled Substances Reporting System (CSRS) Act confidentiality provisions providing civil and criminal immunity for all health care practitioners who access the CSRS system and communicate CSRS information to health care personnel involved in a patient’s care and law enforcement; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the North Carolina Medical Society supports the North Carolina Medical Board’s position statement “Policy for the Use of Opiates for the Treatment of Pain” as amended in June 2014.

(Report S-2006, adopted 10/29/2006)
(revised, Report H-2011, Item 1-7, adopted 10/23/2011)